Becoming a CERA

Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuaries (CERAs)

Global CERA

The CERA is a global designation based on the principles of actuarial science and the framework of Enterprise Risk Management. You can find out more the global Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary designation at CERA global.

The CERA designation is granted to actuaries who have specialised in the enterprise risk management aspects of the program. CERAs are professionals who combine the educational, ethical and intellectual standards of an actuary with a deeper understanding of risk – and of how to manage it - in complex environments.

How to become a CERA

To be awarded the CERA designation from the Actuaries Institute, you need to:

Pass the Foundation and Actuary Programs and so meet the Institute's requirements for using the designation 'actuary'.


Prior to 2022 

  • complete, or receive exemption for Course 7A - Enterprise Risk Management, which consists of the UK SP9 Examination and an ERM workshop.

From 2022 

  • complete ERM - Enterprise Risk Management, under the Fellowship Program

Submit an Application for CERA Designation